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National Service Scheme


PSR Polytechnic College

National Service Scheme

N.S.S. a centrally sponsored scheme was introduced in 37 selected universities on 24-09-1969 both "as a measure of Educational Reforms and as a mean to improve the quality of educated man power". It was extended to plus two schools in 1985. The scheme has aroused among the student youth an awareness of the reality of life, a better understanding and appreciation of the problems of the people. It is an attempt in making education relevant to the needs of the society.



The overall aim of the scheme is to "Arouse The Social Consciousness Of The Students And To Provide Them With Opportunity To Work With People In The Villages And Slums, And To Expose Them To The Realities Of Life" so as to "bring about a change in their social perceptions".


Main objective of the scheme is "Development Of Personality Of A Student Through Community Service Rendered During Leisure Hours".


The motto of National Service Scheme is NOT ME BUT YOU

Benefits of Being a NSS Volunteer:

A NSS volunteer who takes part in the community service programme would either be a college level or a senior secondary level student. Being an active member these student volunteers would have the exposure and experience to be the following:

  • an accomplished social leader
  • an efficient administrator
  • a person who understands human nature


Regular NSS Activities

Under this our college students undertake various programs in adopted villages and urban slums during week-ends or after teaching hours. Volunteers are required to put in minimum of 120 hours of community service, orientation and campus work in accordance with the NSS Manual and instructions/guidelines of Govt. of India. Volunteers may be placed in the following projects under community work.

  • Institutional Work: Placing students with voluntary organizations working for the welfare of women, children, aged & disabled outside the campus.
  • Rural Projects: Projects in adopted villages for such as eradication of illiteracy, watershed management, health, hygiene, sanitation, mother-childcare, family life education, rural roads, gender justice and campaign against social evils.
  • Urban Projects: In addition to above, the project includes Adult Education, welfare of slum-dwellers, civil-defense, traffic control, work in hospitals, orphanages, destitute homes, environment, population education, Drug & AIDS awareness.
  • Natural Calamities & National Emergencies: Volunteers work for mobilizing public support & rendering assistance to civil authorities in such events.
  • National Programs: Volunteers may take up such programs like Mass Programme of Functional Literacy, AIDS Awareness Programme and sustainable development and help the Govt. Unit is to take up activities, which are local need based. They are to be in accordance with the suggestive list contained in NSS Manual & specific directions received from competent authorities from time to time.


Special Camping Programme

Under this, camps of 10 days duration are organized in adopted villages or urban slums during vacations. 50% of the volunteers participate in these camps. Projects are undertaken in accordance with the "camping themes" given by Govt. of India.


Enrolment in NSS

Any regular student in classes of the three year diploma courses (TDC) at college level can apply for enrolment in NSS. NCC cadets, National Sports Organization (NSO), Scouts & Guides are not to be enrolled in NSS simultaneously.



Code of Conduct:

A volunteer shall:-

  • Work under the guidance of group leader => make himself/herself worthy of confidence and cooperation of group/ community leader-ship
  • Scrupulously avoid entering into any controversial issue

keep day to day record of activities/ experiences in NSS Diary and get it signed by Programme Officer and wear NSS Badge while on work.


NSS Certificate

A volunteer is entitled for NSS certificate upon rendering 240 hours of community service in two consecutive years and participation in 10 days special Annual Camp (Day and Night). Volunteers who render community service of exceptionally high standard may be honored publically and also recommended for participation in State, Regional, National youth events


Programme Officer:

Mr.B.Shenbagavel Rajan

Lecturer / ECE

Contact No.: 94865 34198
